1.Do autosomal dominant disorders skip generation? No because you have to get it form your parents genes. You can't passing it down unless you carry it.
2.Could Greg or his mother be carriers of the gene that causes myotonic dystrophy? Myotonic Dystrophy is a dominant gene so no.
3. Is there a possibility that Greg’s aunt or uncle is homozygous for the myotonic dystrophy (MD) gene? Both of them have it so no.
4.Symptoms of myotonic dystrophy sometimes don’t show up until after age fifty. What is the possibility that Greg’s cousin has inherited the MD gene? Graig's cousin has 50% chance of having it.
5.What is the possibility that Greg and Olga’s children could inherit the MD gene? The children can't get it becauseit is dominant.
6.What are the hallmarks of an autosomal recessive trait? Skips generations and happens in both females and males.
7.What does consanguineous mean? Why is this concept especially important when discussing recessive genetic disorders? Consanguineous means you have relation with a past relative. Recessive skips generations and its important to know if you could have the trait or not.
8.What is it about the inheritance pattern of factor VIII deficiency seen in Greg and Olga’s pedigree that point toward it not being an autosomal recessive trait? It has only happened to 2 people in two different generations. The one before Greg and Greg’s brother in the next Generation.